Friday, May 10, 2024

Room For Rent

©️2020 CColbert

It’s a quiet place, serene and clean with a view beyond, out to the shore. 

Catch the morning sun, on the eastern side, where birds chat with squirrels and flowers bloom. 

In the western hall, the stove is hot baking sweet-ass cake… she fills jelly pots, with spiced fig chutney, cooked down from fresh fruit that she picked herself, while in slumber you snoozed. 

The lady makes songs with verse and truth of the life she’s lived and the lessons learned. 

If you pass on through to the “quiet” room, smell the leather books and the incense burn. Countless rainbows dance on the walls from a collection of crystals hanging from curtain rods. 

She craves to create, its an extension of self, from the garden, to paper, and the music she sings its a snapshot in time, she records her life, a legacy she’ll leave behind. 

She appreciates love, and things that please the pallet, souls who capture her senses, she craves art and perspective under one condition, and only this, it’s conveyed through strength of a natural heart. Meaning things that are real and not made up. 

If you sleep till noon she’ll greet you on the deck, with luncheon laid out and a apéritif. Lively conversation you won’t forget but later then, you sure have a nap, in the afternoon with scent from her garden and occasional buzz of honey bees. 

Then she’ll dress you in line crisp ironed shirts that smell like the breeze with a hint of perfume… 

It’s an amazing space for a permanent renter, who must rightly commit to be the faithful caretaker, of all things that make her uniquely her… especially the vacant room… in her heart.