Friday, May 10, 2024


©️2020 CColbert

Inside you’re tall, you reach for the sky but they don’t get to see that, only what’s outside. Emotions raw, your heart is swollen, your breathing so fast it sounds like the waves. 

Sealed in a cocoon for several long days, you felt at home with the depth and space of an empty room, all packed and ready, yet sad feelings crept in, it changed your face. 

You don’t like goodbyes that’s why you hide. No feeling sad, you don’t have to cry. The reflection you see doesn’t match what’s inside, oh, how the Devil laughs when he sees you cry. 

He stole your joy, extinguished the light, spent countless hours reminding at night. You’re exhausted and wish rest would come again, like yesterday when your thoughts were clear. 

Try to hold on, unload the anguish that screams in your head while you crave a new story, but this one is yours the cold reflection it certianly does not match what’s inside. 

Thank your friends, battle buddies for life… hope to be present in the picture, next time. You want to get better, handle, move on, disappear in the positive that exists out there. 

They pray for your soul, say one in return, and hope that one day you will meet once again.