Sunday, April 28, 2024



Contemplation: Acceptance

No, it’s not the journey we fear the most, it’s a combination of who will try to take advantage of them, what parts might be dangerous, whether someone will be there to lend a hand… and finally, the truth of that giant pain in the chest is whether they will ever find themselves back this way that brings it on. 

Sad feels so much stronger than happy. Some paths we get to travel with our children, and there are other paths where they must trek it alone. All we can do is give the only guidance we have  soaked up in this life and hope they absorb it as we watch them go it on their own. 

Exciting yet uncharted territory. Trust and fear work hard against each other and make a bittersweet soup. 

I will keep the lights on and wait. There is no such thing as failure, we are exactly where we are supposed to be and though sometimes the lessons feel useless, wisdom writes a different resume.